Manasik Karagar

Latest Release: New Single

Manasik Karagar


"Manasik Karagar is a straight-edge hardcore trio formed by two extremely talented Helsinki based musicians guitarist Saurav and drummer Kat and Damak based euphonious screamer Mausam. All three musicians are super busy in their personal projects however they aligned together this year to create this splendid collaboration. Revealing their hereabouts through their social media handles, this super group just released their jaw-dropingly brilliant demo for their debut single 'Aswikaar' on 14th May 2021, Friday. All three members from the group follow a vegan straight-edge lifestyle i.e. they don’t consume any intoxicating substance, animals or animal products; the members all exercise regularly and live life in a very productive routine-oriented.



Released On May 14, 2021