
Album Details & Review



Release Date: June 21, 2021

Artist: Shivraj Jung
Duration: 12:23
Lyricist(s): Shivraj Jung
Producer(s): Manzil Bikram KC, Studio M
Record Label: Independent

Opening with "Muna" a gorgeous, lilting showcase about how love, in all its forms, never stays static. Even when you know exactly what the song is building up to with the hook "Mero Jindagi timilai nei ho", its arrival always feels stirring. The song showcases Shivjraj's ability to empathize and tell a story that's not his own, whereas on "Dautari'' he takes the listener to a very personal space. It feels like a naked narrative of his own longing and nostalgia, turning it into an absolute tearjerker. The stripped-down guitar accompaniment complimented with lush synths and graceful flute melodies all add to the somber vibe of the song. Even on densely orchestrated "Basanti hawa" the nonchalant mood is not ditched. The acoustic guitar sits right there with the vocals to create colorful harmonic structure for Shivraj's folk influenced melodies. The album has embraced both folk and contemporary elements in a delicate balance. It has a very warm and intimate vibe throughout. Shivraj has used wordplay to allude to his personal experiences in unique ways with his elegant storytelling and lyrics about relationships and acceptance

Noodle Rating :

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Rs. 200.00

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1 Muna 3:18 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
2 Dautari 4:37 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
3 Basanti Hawa 4:27 Add To cart Rs. 99.00


1 Reviews
Achyut Neupane

Achyut Neupane

July 30, 2021

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