
Album Details & Review


Release Date: March 30, 2019

Artist: Chakachak
Duration: 19:33
Lyricist(s): Asutosh Pandey
Producer(s): Chakachak
Record Label: Independent

If Chakachak's debut album is to be taken as a mirror of our society and state of the world, things are surely not Chakachak-- but their music is. Fresh, energetic, and loud, the band dub their genre as 'nu-metal/rap-hardrock’, and through an honest perception of the world, their songs call for change and hope. If you’ve been into bands like RATM and Limp Bizkit, then this is a familiar territory brewed in Nepal. "Sabda'' is an explosive start, diving straight into power, and a powerful balance of instruments that instantly creates an atmosphere of angst and aggression distinct in all their songs. The song builds tension with a vocal performance that aptly represents the voice of the oppressed, and with a message to rise above obstacles of self-expression, an empowering anthem is born. Next up, "Damadol '' embodies the chaos the song seeks to comment on; the tune laments on a directionless, corrupted, and destructive society, and the powerful drum beats are tempting to bang your heads along to. Along the same line is "Money", a cynical commentary on our money-hungry nature that strives to break the cycle of greed and hunger and recognize the real meaning of happiness. Anti-establishment rhetoric is evidently the common denominator for the 5-track album; "Wake Up" for instance is a direct call for "waking up the system, waking up the people ''. The lyrics on this are direct, simple, and repetitive, and while that could be deliberate, the immense depth and weight of the song's theme demand more substance. Finally, debatably the pinnacle of the album, is "Gatibidhi". Its powerful intro slows down to a groovier beat to make way for 5:55's freestyle verse is a nice change of pace. However, one aspect that does need to improve are the lyrics section and we also hope the band finds a more unique sound as they grow. The outfit definitely has potential but at times sound like they are drawing a bit too much from their sonic influences at times. Undeniably though, their debut album has established them as a promising artist that you’d want to experience live.

Noodle Rating :

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Rs. 400.00

Add to Cart
1 Sabda 3:21 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
2 Damadol 3:37 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
3 Money 3:23 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
4 Wake Up 4:16 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
5 Gatibidhi ft. Chirag Khadka 4:55 Add To cart Rs. 99.00


1 Reviews
Ayush Khanal

Ayush Khanal

July 9, 2021

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