
Album Details & Review


Release Date: April 17, 2021

Artist: Jooni
Duration: 41:15
Producer(s): Self
Record Label: Independent

An emanation of contributions from artists all over the world and a concoction of contemporary and traditional sounds, Jooni's self-titled debut album is a treat to Jazz enthusiasts from Nepal and beyond. The seven-track album that comprises of the artists' original arrangements as well as renditions of classic compositions and songs, seeks to portray their experimental and ever-evolving musical journey. The album begins with "No Te Mires En La Rio", a rendition of Maria Fajardo's arrangement of the classic Spanish song. "Fourth Tier", an original composition by Jooni's Abhishek Bhadra, features the alto saxophone and his excellence with the keys is seen in their performance of the 1965 composition of "Maiden Voyage". An interesting addition to the collection is their transformation of Soundgarden's "Black Hole Sun", which features a beautifully dramatic build-up. Jooni's refusal from being a mere Jazz ensemble and their strife for a truly international, Kathmandu-centered sound, is reflected in their use of instruments like Bansuri and Tabala. In "Nana Del Etorno" for instance, the traditional sounds complement Maria's ethereal vocal performance, and the natural noises and Bansuri used in "Revelation" and "Contemplation" ends the album in dedication to the loud, vibrant, and diverse city, Kathmandu. Abstract in a thematic sense, and featuring complex yet beautiful jazz compositions, "Jooni" is for the listener to interpret in their own way and make their own.

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Rs. 500.00

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1 No Te Mires 4:54 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
2 Fourth Tier 5:33 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
3 Maiden Voyage(s) 9:29 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
4 Nana Del Retorno 7:52 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
5 Black Hole Sun 8:26 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
6 Revelation 1:56 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
7 Contemplation 3:04 Add To cart Rs. 99.00


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