
Album Details & Review



Release Date: March 9, 2021

Artist: Toerag
Duration: 14:23
Producer(s): Self
Record Label: Independent

A short but short like UFC kind of release, “Tarika” is a punch in your face kind of album but definitely with its sweet ska spots as well. The EP starts with “Unity” which is the intro track with a sweet bassline starting off things until the chaos that the record is about to present is unveiled. Still this track is more on the sweet and old school punk side. The frantic guitar and drum snares are a big part of this album you can tell and the vocals appear at the end of it that equally matches all the instruments straight from the gut. “Rape Revenge” starts with a Rajesh Hamal dialogue sample giving way to a rapid punk track – angsty as fuck and the title makes it clear what the song is about. “Guhar” follows suit which has a fun ska side to it – a playful side of the band is seen here before returning back to the hardcore sound and is definitely a live crowd pleaser. The fourth track “Loadshedding” is said to be a product of the band’s frustration when they lost power during one of their practice sessions. The vocal delivery on this one is one the most brutal of this record. A straight up in your face track capable of starting mosh pits during live gigs. “Tarika” – the title track starts off almost as a King Prawn track – with full ska mode on – this is a danceable tune and sounds as raw and honest as the band is. The bassline is kickass as it is with every other song on this EP. The band is clearly having fun on this one ! “Age of School” is the second last track and starts with the “school is not a place for smart people jerry” rant from Rick (Rick & Morty) and the song is definitely a highlight of this record as it shows what Toerag is all about sonically – definitely a banger ! “Youth of Dharan” ends the album on a high note as the most old school hardcore sounding track as the band playfully switches between hardcore and ska parts and the Malcom X audio sample in the middle gives way to a sweet outro. Definitely a fresh sound in the hardcore scene, this album is worth a buy and definitely worth a listen.

Noodle Rating :

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Rs. 400.00

Add to Cart
1 Unity [Intro] 2:00 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
2 Rape Revenge 1:32 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
3 Guhar 1:41 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
4 Load - Shedding 1:34 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
5 Tarika 2:24 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
6 Age 2:38 Add To cart Rs. 99.00
7 Y.O.D 2:32 Add To cart Rs. 99.00


1 Reviews
Raul Jung Thapa

Raul Jung Thapa

May 12, 2021

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